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Brian Seibert, The New York Times:

"The five-year-old company uses one aspect of the theater intrepidly. Many troupes have danced across the Fishman’s balconies, but never before have I seen dancers traverse the cage-like deck beneath the lighting grid, crawling around up there like monkeys in a rain forest canopy. This coup de théâtre immediately gives the work a fresh perspective."

Roslyn Sulcas, The New York Times:

"It takes a lot of nerve to start a dance company in New York. There's no money for young artists, and rehearsal space is expensive. But groups do emerge, full of energy and creativity. Such is Summation Dance, formed by Sumi Clements and Taryn Vander Hoop, graduates of New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. Mrs. Clements, the main choreographer, has a fiercely physical style and wears her heart on her sleeve but has mature command of pattern and form..."

Deborah Jowitt:

"What’s not to love? That is, if you—like me—are easily entranced by the combination of formal purity and weirdness...Clements is a big talent" Read the full review->

Theodora Boguszewski, The Dance Enthusiast:

"Deep End excites the audience and reminds me how thrilling pure movement and design can be..."

Bayla Gottesman, UpTempo Magazine:

"Sumi Clements’ "Pathological Parenthetical Pageantry," was the most out-right fanatical of the three. From mismatched floral costuming to extended periods of awkward silence to over-saturated sexuality, the piece was wildly entertaining."

Leah Gerstenlauer, DIY Dancer:

"Within the space of roughly two years, Summation Dance has made its presence known on the New York City dance scene, both producing its own shows and making the rounds at dance festivals and conventions [...] What began as a one-time graduation performance project rapidly evolved into the establishment of a small company that presented its first evening-length work to a sold-out house at Baryshnikov Performing Arts Center in 2010.... "

Gus Solomons jr:

"Summation Dance renews your faith in the power of motion and announces the advent of a troup to put on your radar...fearless performing by a cast of strong women brings the work vibrantly to life. The choreography has all the elements of "well-made dances" – expansive use of space, soaring dynamic contrasts with skillful use of silence and stillness, and cohesive development of thematic materials.  But these elements of good craft never stultify the kinetic and emotional impact of the work; rather, they amplify them." Read the full review->

Gia Kourlas, The New York Times:

"[Clements] displayed a flair for moving groups in space by knitting patterns that sent dancers zipping across the stage in threes. Here their tenacity took center stage: a heart can break, but the body never stops running." Read the full review->

Richmond Shepard, Performing Arts INSIER and

"DEEP END is an engrossing abstract work using [...] physicality (contractions, floor work) with precise movement synchronization perfectly performed by ten graceful, well-trained women..."

Andrew Andrew:

"It's the kind of thing that makes me question how I move in my daily life...I want to watch what they are doing in the future." Watch the full review->

The New Yorker:

"As a choreographer, Sumi Clements shows skill, [...] making use of a relatively large cast to maintain multiple vectors."
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